what to do when you are stressed out


Are you feeling stressed out? Increase the feelings of harmony between your mind and body by adding yoga to your daily or weekly routine. With the ever-increasing pressures that go along with modern life, it is imperative to find a way to unwind, de-stress and review your shifting emotions. Yoga has proven to be a restorative avenue for countless people around the world, and it can support you as well. By combining the practices of deep breathing, stretching, and mindful relaxation, you can reduce your blood pressure, enhance your heart health, improve digestion, and decrease the negative impact of stress and anxiety.

Stress, whether positive or negative, has profound physical and emotional impacts, and if these forces are ignored it can wreak havoc on the body and the psyche. Yoga is shown to decrease levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the body in response to stress. We all know that psychological and physical health are interconnected, so why not add an ancient practice that has stood the test of time and is proven to heal from the inside out? Increase your strength, durability, and mindfulness, so that you have the mental and physical stamina to deal with whatever life tosses your way.

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So, what yoga poses should you try to incorporate if you are short on time, yet want to add the stress-reducing power of yoga to your daily routine? Try one, or a few, of the following:

Downward Facing Dog

yoga poses for pitta

Being the most famous and recognized of all yoga poses here in the Western world, it is no wonder that a downward-facing dog has so many benefits. We spend the majority of our time upright, lying down, or in a sitting position, and because of this, backaches, stiffness, and fatigue are common. Downward dog not only stretches all of the places in the body that rarely get attention, but it also draws focus to parts of the body that might otherwise go unnoticed. Downward dog is also shown to help calm the nervous system.

Standing Forward Bend

yoga poses for stress relief

Officially termed uttanasana, this pose is sometimes referred to as the “rag doll” pose, and it is particularly useful for letting go of unwanted tension. Simply bend at the waist and let your head hang down towards the floor. You can either rest your hands on the floor, grasp your elbows with the opposing hand, or lightly rest your hands on your feet. Extend your stretch through each exhalation.

Knees to Chest

yoga poses for relaxation

This simple pose is commonly utilized for stress relief. Lie on your back, bring your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around your legs, and gently rock from side to side. This pose helps to release tension in your lower back, and the rhythmic rocking is calming and balancing.


balasana yoga poses for pitta

Start kneeling on your mat. Your big toes are touching. Sit on your heels and separate the knees about hip’s width apart. On an exhalation, lower your upper body between your thighs, your arms are stretched in front of you. Stay in this pose for 1 – 3 minutes. Balasana is an easy relaxing pose that will also help regulate your lymphatic and nervous system.

Corpse Pose

This pose, also referred to as savasana, is the pose in which every yoga practice concludes. It involves lying flat on your back, with your hands at your side and your palms facing up. Savasana is a time to focus on your breathing and enter into a state of deep relaxation. Focusing on the breath will help you to release anxiety and stress for the time being and experience a bit of rejuvenation. It is recommended to remain in savasana for at least five minutes.

If you are like the majority of people out there, sometimes exercising is the last thing that you feel like doing. One of the lovely things about yoga practice is that it can shift to accommodate you based on where you are, mentally and physically, on any given day. Even if you only have time to incorporate a few sun salutations into your morning routine, you are likely to find yourself feeling more relaxed, simply because you have taken the time to nourish yourself and check in with yourself. While at first racing thoughts might inhibit your Zen, clearing your mind and relaxing into your routine will become second nature with time.







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