healing traditions


With the holidays upon us, many people are experiencing increased levels of stress and busyness. Seasonal gatherings with family and friends, shopping for the perfect presents, and financial commitments that can come along with holiday gift-giving all take extra time, effort, and planning. Staying healthy, balanced, and joyful during all this extra hustle and bustle can be a challenge.

wellness traditions


Luckily, these 4 uplifting wellness traditions from around the globe are custom-designed to help you relax, decompress, and refocus back on the love, happiness, and heart-centered togetherness that make this time of year so special.


Sleeping while awake is one way that people who first encounter Inemuri describe this state of relaxation that’s practiced by Japanese commuters, shoppers, and even those still on the job for the day. The technique involves simply closing your eyes right where you are, yet still managing to stay present enough to come back to the situation at hand quickly.

Similar to daydreaming with your eyes closed, Inemuri evolved out of the long work hours that were part of the booming 1980’s Japanese economy. To compensate for their lack of sleep, people began ‘stealing’ a few minutes of shut-eye wherever they could, including on park benches, in meetings, or even at coffee houses. This is why socially, it’s seen as a status symbol of hard work rather than a sign of disrespect. Even many Japanese employers are now scheduling in Inemuri ‘power naps’ as part of the workday to help employees rejuvenate and regain productivity.


This unique Swiss tradition combines a relaxing coffee break with quality social time in order to bring more simple enjoyment into everyday life, and help people form connections that boost their wellness. The Swedes tend to practice Fika throughout the day with anyone who happens to be around, whether they be friends, family, or colleagues. One of the key hallmarks of a proper Fika gathering is the procurement of tasty treats or hors d’oeuvres to sample while chatting. In fact, those who bake homemade cakes or pastries for everyone to enjoy in Sweden are more likely to be seen as good leaders, and Fika practiced on the job is considered a healthy way to increase peer connections. It is the Swede’s way of ‘stopping to smell the roses’, and may be a big reason why they enjoy such good health.


Cooperation among people is the central theme of Ubuntu, which holds that the individual is part of a greater whole. By honoring the unique gifts of each person, Ubuntu encourages people to live their lives with purpose and passion, and then use their talents to spread compassion and joy to others in their lives. Archbishop Desmond Tutu called Ubuntu “the essence of being human”, and there is much evidence that cooperation and giving are hardwired into human nature. In fact, those who give of their time, energy, and talents live longer lives, experience much greater self-esteem, and enjoy better mind-body wellness.


The Danes have consistently topped the World Happiness Report for 7 years running, and their distinctly mindful practice of Hygge may be a big reason why. Part simplistic self-care routine, part heartfelt social interaction, Hygge at its core encourages people to do more of what they love. When friends gather to ‘hyggelig, they put aside their social and political differences in favor of finding their commonality, which helps bridge in a wonderful sense of warm, heartfelt acceptance and support for everyone. At home, this cozy mindset might show up in the form of drinking a relaxing cup of hot chocolate by the fire, enjoying a fun afternoon of baking with family or friends, or just simply sitting around the living room with loved ones ‘shooting the breeze’. Whatever helps you relax, unwind, and feel carefree and content is what Hygge is all about.


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