what you need to know about our sacral chakra


The sacral chakra is the second-lowest of seven major energy centers in the human body. Located below your navel, it controls relationships and emotions related to pleasure. It also governs creativity and positive changes. If you are feeling overwhelmed with negative feelings or have trouble maintaining healthy relationships, then read on! We will discuss how to balance your sacral chakra by healing emotional wounds, releasing guilt and shame, taking care of your physical health, and more!


how to balance your chakras




Bergamot essential oil can help to rebalance the sacral chakra when it’s been overactive or underactive. To use this, add a few drops of bergamot in some carrier oil (like olive oil) and massage your abdomen with it. You can also put a drop on your pillow to help you relax.



You can use cardamom essential oil for a variety of sacral chakra balancing purposes. It has been used in Indian ayurvedic medicine to relieve pain and inflammation, treat respiratory issues like the common cold or bronchitis, boost immunity, ease menstrual cramps (particularly menorrhagia), promote circulation, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and regulate the menstrual cycle.

You can also mix it with other oils like lavender or frankincense for an aromatic sacral massage.


Clary sage essential oil can help to balance your sacral chakra because clary sage has a soothing and balancing effect on the nervous system, which helps to relieve stress that may be affecting your sacral chakra. A lot of people use it for emotional issues as well too.


Neroli essential oil can help to balance the sacral chakra by promoting feelings of empowerment, self-confidence, and joy. You might also notice increased libido.

Applying this oil topically will frequently promote a feeling of peace and tranquility.

how to balance your sacral chakra


Orange essential oil is a great way to help clear the sacral chakra. Since this energy center resonates with abundance and joy, it can also be helpful for manifesting wealth as well. Put a few drops of orange in an aromatherapy diffuser and enjoy:)



Garnet is one of the most helpful stones for balancing your sacral chakra. This stone has a sedative effect and it can help to reduce anxiety, balance emotions, and relax you. It will also improve your communication skills because it helps calm down any anger that may be present in those situations. It will help you in any area of your life that involves emotions and physical sensations.


Moonstone can be used to soothe fears and bring a sense of calm, which is very important for the sacral chakra. It will help you let go of anger and find peace again – it also helps with developing self-confidence, intuition, and optimism. Moonstone’s energy makes it perfect for anyone who feels emotionally drained, lonely, or stuck in a rut.


Citrine is a type of quartz and one that carries warm, gentle energy. It can help to balance your sacral chakra by helping you to feel relaxed and at home in your body. When the sacral chakra becomes imbalanced, it may manifest as feeling out of place or not rooted in reality. Citrine will help you to feel grounded and safe.

Citrine can also be helpful for clearing negative emotions, like anger or jealousy. Carrying a citrine stone with you may help to prevent these feelings from coming up at all–or if they do come up, it will give your emotional body the space and time it needs to release them so that they don’t become toxic.


Cornelian is a variety of chalcedony, which is made up primarily of silicon dioxide. It has been called the “stone for stability.” Cornelian can help you find emotional peace and acceptance through understanding your feelings. When it comes to sacral energy, this stone will assist by balancing out an overactive or underactive sacral chakra.


Chalcedony is a type of quartz, which can be found in many different colors including blue, clear white, black, and pink. It can help to balance the sacral chakra by reducing anxiety and stress.

organic herbs and spices



Coriander can help to balance the sacral chakra, due to its ability to give energy and encourage creativity. Coriander provides a sense of well-being that helps with anxiety or depression. It also assists in boosting immunity by increasing circulation in vital organs and glands such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, and reproductive system.


The sacral chakra is often associated with pleasure, sexuality, and creativity. Fennel can help to balance the sacral chakra by stimulating it so that you’re able to feel a sense of fulfillment in your life. Another way fennel can support your sacral chakra is through its ability to stimulate the flow of blood.


Licorice root is used in Ayurvedic medicine to help balance the water element and all chakras, but it is especially good for balancing the sacral chakra. In Ayurvedic medicine, licorice is also used to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Licorice root may be taken in the form of tea or it can be chewed on a piece of raw licorice that has been soaked for a few minutes in water. Licorice roots should not be eaten more than once a day. Like with any food, it is important to eat licorice in moderation – so don’t overdo it!


This spice can help you with any feeling of being weighed down or emotionally drained. You might also want a cinnamon stick in hot tea during cold winter months, which is especially helpful if you are feeling a little blue.

A great way to take cinnamon with your food is by grinding it and adding a dash of ground cinnamon powder on top of your oatmeal, toast, or yogurt.

Traditionally, cinnamon has been used as an aphrodisiac to strengthen passion and desire.

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Vanilla has a sweet, warm scent. This is because the vanilla plant contains vanillin and coumarin, which are both natural substances that have been proven to be calming in aromatherapy studies. It can help you find balance when your sacral chakra feels unbalanced due to stress or exhaustion. The soothing smell will soothe your emotions and ease your tension.



Eating a single orange will give the sacral chakra an instant energy boost. As oranges are associated with fertility and growth, they also help to improve your libido.


Eating watermelon may help to balance the sacral chakra because of its high water content. It is also rich in nutrients, which can be depleted due to stress.


Celery can help to balance sacral chakra thanks to its close connection with the Earth. You can add a few talks to your green juice.


Eggplant can help to balance your sacral chakra, as it contains many vitamins and minerals that are important for energy levels, bone strength, stress reduction, or heart health among other things. It’s a good source of vitamin A which will give you energy, calcium for strong bones, teeth, and healthy skin, magnesium which relieves stress and anxiety as well as potassium for heart health.


What you eat greatly affects the state of your sacral chakra, so make sure to consume whole foods, plenty of fresh fruit, and vegetables. It’s also important that you drink enough water!


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