benefits of chocolate


Cocoa is packed with nutrients, and moderate, regular consumption of high-quality chocolate (like our favorite Hu Chocolate brand) provides the body with a great deal of benefits.  Just to clarify, it is not about reaching for any old chocolate bar that graces the shelves of a supermarket, as most products out there are loaded with harmful, toxic ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavorings. However, high-quality dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content, when eaten in moderation, does the body good by providing magnesium, copper, manganese, fiber, iron, and other minerals. Magnesium deficiency is being linked with an astonishing number of health issues.

Research has shown that cocoa is higher in antioxidants than other antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries and acai berries. Antioxidants help to boost the immune system and protect the body against oxidative stress and damage from free radicals.

Studies have found cocoa to protect against cardiovascular disease, especially cocoa containing high amounts of plant sterols and cocoa flavanols. The cardiovascular benefits of cocoa are attributed to the ability of these compounds to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.



–  Protects against sun damage by enhancing blood flow to the skin

–  Consumption is linked to a lower risk of having a stroke

–  Certain compounds found in cocoa have been shown to reduce nerve damage in Alzheimer’s patients

–  Improves blood vessel function in kidney patients

–  May help to prevent memory decline by enhancing blood flow to the brain

The general rule of thumb is the darker the chocolate bar, the lower the sugar content and the benefits of the cocoa often outweigh the risks of sugar consumption for healthy individuals. However, for those who are sensitive to sugar or are suffering from health issues that call for the elimination of sugar, it does not mean that the benefits of cocoa cannot be reaped. 100% cocoa powder can easily be added to everyday recipes, and it is becoming more commonplace at health food stores to find quality chocolate that is sweetened with lower-glycemic natural ingredients such as coconut sugar or stevia.

Hopefully, as the research continues to pile up, the far-reaching benefits of cocoa will become clearer and this amazing food can be utilized to its full potential.

Below is a delicious recipe that provides the wholesome benefits of cocoa, the healing powers of coconut, and the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon, all without the worry of harmful ingredients.


1 tbsp. cocoa

1 tsp. cinnamon

Cream from one can of full-fat coconut milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 tbsp. honey or 5 drops of liquid stevia

DIRECTIONS: whisk together all ingredients and refrigerate for 20 minutes for a decadent guilt-free pudding, or heat over low heat for a soothing mug of hot chocolate. Enjoy!  


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