

Gardener Virtual Event, February 15-22

It is going to be THE garden adventure of the year!

You’ll discover these plant-saving tips:

MINDSET: Your first, simple step to an easy vegetable and herb garden 

CLIMATE: Allowing your LOCAL conditions to work for you and creating micro-climates.

SOIL: Regenerative fertility system that builds a stronger, more nutrient-rich garden each year.

COMPOST: Compost style that works for your needs and delivers the fertility you need to your garden.

PLANTS: The secret to doubling your vegetable harvest in half the space.

WATER: Master garden efficiency and eliminate unnecessary work with a water system that’s right for you.

HARVESTING: Getting the freshest, most flavorful food on your plate… and lots of it!

TENDING: Giving plants exactly what they need in each stage of life.

SUCCESS: One thing you shouldn’t spend any time doing in your garden (but most beginners do!).

REGENERATIVE: Complete step-by-step garden system for an abundant harvest no matter where you live.

HIGHLIGHTS: Seeding, seed starting, transplanting, building raised beds, containers, soil basics, fertility schedules, fertilizers, compost systems, crop planning, succession planning, crop rotations, knowing what’s ripe, pruning, trellising, irrigation, pests and disease management, weed strategies, saving seeds, season extension, cover cropping, and modular systems that make everything easier!

Every episode is GARDENING GOLD and adds a vital piece of the puzzle to help you grow food with ease.

Plus, you’ll get to meet students who have put all of this into practice sharing what made their gardens successful.


The best part? 

If you sign up today, you can watch ALL 8 episodes FREE of charge…very soon!

Click here to save your spot ==> 

Imagine how you will feel making a huge positive impact on you and your loved ones’ health with all that fresh food.

When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to Your First Step to Grow Organic Vegetables & Herbs. Then you’ll receive emails in the coming days notifying you when the docuseries goes LIVE. 



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