health benefits of pumpkin seeds


Although they may seem like just another seed, those crunchy little green seeds that are often sprinkled on a salad or mixed up with other goodies for an on-the-trail snack are packed with nutrients. Pumpkin seeds are officially a power food. While many enjoy roasting them in the fall after jack-o-lanterns have been carved, few pay attention to pumpkin seeds the rest of the year. However, adding pepitas to a regular diet regime has demonstrated numerous health benefits that are not to be ignored. Let’s take a look at some of their nutritional properties and health benefits.

Rich source of zinc

benefits of pumpkin oil

“Perfect Press® Styrian Pumpkin Oil is rich, nutty tasting and pressed from the seeds of Styrian pumpkins, known in particular for their nutritious seeds.”

Zinc deficiency is increasingly common due to mainstream diets void of adequate fruits and vegetables, and soil depletion affecting the nutritional quality of the produce that we eat. Zinc deficiency is tied to an increased risk of colds and flu, attention and behavioral difficulties, depression, and chronic fatigue. Zinc is vital for eye health, immune system support, hormone production, hair and nail health, mood stability, and insulin regulation. A link between zinc and prostate health has come to light in recent years. A serving of 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds contains 23% of the daily recommended value of zinc.

High in magnesium

It is being uncovered that magnesium lurks behind more and more chronic health problems. This important mineral is instrumental when it comes to metabolism, and deficiency plays a role in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and digestive disorders. 1/4 cup of pepitas contains 190 mg of magnesium, making pumpkin seeds the richest food source of magnesium.

Regulate insulin levels

Pumpkin seeds have proven to be a natural route that one can take on the path towards lowering blood glucose levels. This benefit is due to two specific compounds: trigonelline and nicotinic acid. While both compounds are instrumental in stabilizing blood sugar, trigonelline specifically supports the regeneration of the insulin-producing cells located in the pancreas. Pepitas can be priceless for those with diabetes.

health benefits of pumpkin oil

Promote a restful night’s sleep

Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that is essential for the production of serotonin and melatonin. Snacking on them before bed can help with the wind-down process for those who are prone to anxiety and insomnia.

Roasting your own

While pumpkin seeds are likely to be available in the bulk section of your local health food store, roasting your own at home is a fun and easy way to reap the benefits.

First, remove the pumpkin seeds, wash them, and lay them out to dry overnight. Spread the seeds out in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast at 170 degrees for 15 minutes.  Don’t forget that the other parts of the pumpkin can be used to make a variety of healthy snacks.

Ways to enjoy

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten on their own for a nice pick-me-up snack or added to other favorite dishes. Always buy organic, as then you are assured that they are free of pesticide residue. Soaking or sprouting them will aid in the digestive process. Try a few of these options for adding pumpkin seeds to your diet:

–  Baked pumpkin seeds into muffins ( Try Martha Stewart’s recipe==>HERE)

–  Sprinkle them on top of salads

–  Mix with chia pudding, oatmeal, or a bowl of yogurt

–  Blend them into a favorite smoothie recipe

– Sprinkle on top of a savory dish, such as soup or stir-fry


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