how to use a foam roller


By Kevin Jones

If you are new to fitness, you may have heard someone recommend that you try foam rolling as a supplement to your workout.

A foam roller is usually a 2-ft column of firm foam. Sometimes a foam roller is hollow on the inside while others are completely foam. There are a lot of foam roller variations available. Either way, you can use the different types of foam rollers the same way to gain a variety of health benefits.


Using a foam roller requires you to rest a portion of your body on the roller, and then make small rolling movements. For an example of this, say you are trying to work your IT band—located along the outside of your hip and running down to your knee.

You will lie on your side, resting your hip on the roller. Once in position, you can coordinate your feet and arms that are balancing you and push back and forth to roll. The rolling pressure can help massage the too-tight tendons and ligaments, giving you better motion and a release from pain.

To target other areas, you may have to do some trial and error to determine how to work those areas, or you can search for specific foam roller exercises.


Now that you know how to use a foam roller, you may be wondering why you should bother with it. Well, there are several excellent benefits you can receive from foam rolling, such as:

 Reduce pain – Unrelieved tension in the body can make movement painful, whether you are sitting at work or trying to do some grocery shopping. With a foam roller, you can alleviate the tension, which can help address your pain.

 Myofascial release – It is not practical or financially possible to get a massage every time pain and tension build up in your body. But with a foam roller, you can enjoy the myofascial release as you use it to manually release the tightness in your body.

 Promotes faster recovery – As cramps and pain are released by foam rolling, your blood can flow more freely, which can help you recover more quickly from tough workouts.

 Workout enhancement – Various foam rolling techniques are workouts in their own rights, and if you are cross-training, using a foam roller can enhance your average workout session.

Ways To Include Foam Rolling Into Your Workouts

There are various ways you can include foam rolling into your workouts and overall routine without making too much extra.

Choose 3-5 Foam Rolling Moves That Address Your Needs

You don’t need to be a foam rolling expert to benefit from foam rolling. Instead, nail down 3-5 exercises that will most benefit you, and be sure to incorporate them into your regular exercise routine.

Say for instance that you struggle with foot pain and your feet strengthening exercises aren’t quite enough to keep the pain at bay. Well, with the right lower body foam rolling moves, you can release some of the tension in your lower body, which can help dissipate the pain.

Make Foam Rolling Part Of Your Cool-Down Routine

After a tough cardio workout, it’s best not to skip your cool-down routine. Not only can your muscles cramp, but you don’t get the same time to be mindful about how your body responds to the workout.

By doing cool-downs, you can enjoy focused stretches and attention to your muscles. By adding a foam roller, you can discover potential pain points as well as promote better blood flow for faster recovery after a tough workout.

Alternate Between Yoga Poses And Foam Rolling

If you have already made yoga a daily habit, it would be easy to incorporate foam rolling into your yoga routine. There are several foam rolling exercises that have similar mindful movements as you would find in a regular yoga pose, and if you practice a more vigorous type of yoga-like Vinyasa, foam rolling can fit right into your routine—though it is best done off of your mat.

By adding a foam roller—and various foam roller workouts—to your exercise routine, you can enjoy greater pain relief, quicker recovery, and enhance your workouts altogether.


Kevin Jones is a health and fitness blogger and a regular contributor to several fitness websites. He writes for NordicTrack. During his free time, he likes to be very active and spend time with his wife and two children shredding the slopes of Park City, Utah, or chasing down the Salt Lake City Korean food trucks. Connect with him online; LinkedInTwitter


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