how to prolong the benefits of a massage


Massage therapy offers a wide range of benefits to your physical and emotional well-being. Soothing massage techniques help to release muscular tension, boost circulation, relieve pain, improve skin condition, calm the mind, and reduce stress. Massage also induces a blissful state of relaxation, which allows the body to rest and repair. Following a few simple guidelines can prolong these benefits of massage and get the most out of your treatment.


Massage benefits are cumulative, meaning its effects will be greater and longer-lasting when experienced regularly. While a single massage treatment can offer immense relief, the greatest benefits are experienced with repeated sessions over time. As chronic stress is gradually eroded, the body can respond to massage more quickly and reach a deeper level of relaxation. Regular treatments are therefore key to unlocking the optimum benefits of massage — with the exact frequency depending on your lifestyle, budget, and individual needs.


The easiest way to maximize the benefits of your massage is to simply rest, relax, and ensure you have plenty of sleep. This will allow your body to heal and fully absorb the effects of the treatment. If possible, book your massage at a time when you can go straight home to rest, rather than returning to work or fulfilling other duties. Avoid rushing around or partaking in any strenuous activity, as this will only negate the positive effects of your treatment. Listen to your body and tune into its needs — if you feel tired, allow yourself to sleep.


We all understand the importance of drinking water to maintain optimum health, but extra hydration is required following a massage treatment.  Massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation around the body, which aids in the elimination of wastes. The lymphatic system requires sufficient hydration to flush toxins through your system. Drinking plenty of water helps to speed up this elimination process and reduces the risk of toxin-induced headaches that can occur post-massage. Feeling very thirsty after a massage is normal, so drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids to avoid dehydration.

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A massage will help to release built-up muscular tension and allow you to mentally unwind, easing the stress of the day. This effect will be short-lived if you resume a stressful lifestyle following the treatment. Try to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to prevent stress from becoming a chronic condition. We all experience various amounts of stress in our lives — but how we deal with stress determines its impact on our health. While it is impossible to avoid stress completely, there are ways it can be managed. Making time for daily relaxation prevents the accumulation of stress, which causes so many physical and emotional imbalances in the body. Practice simple meditation and breathing exercises every day or whenever you feel stressed to curb spiraling levels of tension. Keeping on top of your stress levels in the long term will allow you to relax more quickly and easily during your next massage treatment.


Gentle exercise and stretching between massages will help maintain flexibility and prevent post-massage stiffness.  Stretching helps realign the muscles and reduces the risk of re-tightening after the treatment. Meditative exercises, such as yoga and tai chi, help to maintain positive mental well-being between treatments. From a holistic perspective, these exercises also help to sustain the flow of chi, or energy, around your body.


Following a healthy lifestyle will make extending your post-massage feeling of well-being easier. Eat a light, nutritious snack following your massage to counteract any feeling of lightheadedness. Massage helps to rid the body of toxins, so it is advisable to continue this detoxification process by eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Opt for natural, organic produce where possible and try to avoid heavy, rich meals or highly processed foods. 

To summarize, it’s important to take the appropriate steps following a massage to get the most out of your treatment. Scheduling time to rest and relax will optimize the benefits while drinking plenty of water and eating fresh, healthy food helps to nourish your body from within.


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