benefits and uses of oregano


Best known for serving as a delicious addition to Italian fare, Oregano possesses far-reaching benefits that go well beyond the kitchen. The oil derived from the leaves and flowers of this well-loved plant has been revered throughout time for its medicinal value. Oregano oil is obtained by harvesting the plant at its peak, and then distilling to produce a golden, spicy oil. Oregano oil is a powerhouse of antioxidants, and its makeup contributes to its healing abilities. While there are over forty species of oregano, two particular species have demonstrated superior medicinal qualities – Origanum vulgare and Thymus capitatus.

The unique composition of oregano oil is to thank for the amazing healing properties that it possesses:

Essential Nutrients 

Oregano oil contains vitamins C and E, magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, niacin, and zinc.

Antioxidant-Rich Phenols 

Thymol acts as a natural antifungal and antiseptic, while carvacrol serves as an antibacterial agent shown to be productive against major bacterial infections such as E. coli, giardia, and listeria.

Healthful and Healing Compounds 

Oregano oil is rich in Beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), Terpenes, Rosmarinic acid, and Naringin – all of which contribute to the high antioxidant level of oregano oil.

All of these components work together to produce oregano oil, which has demonstrated invaluable to countless on their journey to wellness. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of oregano oil.

Fights Infection

This is probably the most well-known use of oregano oil, and for good reason. Oregano oil has been proven successful in fighting parasitic infections, yeast infections, respiratory infections, foodborne illness, and UTI infections – showing promise against several harmful bacteria when other approaches fail.

Relieves Skin Irritation

When used topically, oregano oil soothes and speeds the healing process of skin irritations caused by bug bites, rashes, dandruff, cold sores, acne, and rosacea. Several have found success in utilizing oregano oil to alleviate skin, foot, and nail fungus.

Provides Natural Pain Relief 

Oregano has been shown effective against a sore throat, toothache, arthritis, cramps, muscle pain, menstrual cramps, and joint pain. For pain relief, oregano oil can be ingested orally or used topically.

Supports the Digestive System

Oregano oil is shown to stimulate the digestive system, soothe inflammation, and increase nutrient digestibility.

Household Cleaner 

Adding a few drops of oregano oil to any homemade cleaner can provide extra germ-fighting, antibacterial strength to your household cleaning process.

Oregano oil is available in various forms. The oil can be blended with a carrier oil (typically olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil) and used topically, mixed with water and ingested, or taken in a capsule. Several varieties are available, but with the high cost of quality herbal products, one of the easiest ways to reap the benefits in an affordable way is to learn how to make your own!


  •  Oregano Leaves, preferably Origanum Vulgare  or Thymus capitatus
  •  Olive Oil


1.  Simply fill a jar with the oregano leaves (roughly chopped).

2.  Pour olive oil into the jar until the leaves are covered.

3.  Place the entire jar into a bath of hot water for 10 minutes to encourage the leaves to begin releasing their beneficial oils.

4.  Remove the jar and place it on a sunny windowsill.

5.  Let it sit for two weeks.

6.  After two weeks, strain out the leaves and store the oil in a large jar or divide it into small tincture bottles to share with your friends.

This process is so easy that it is bound to start you on an infusion journey! You would be surprised at how many tonics and tinctures you can whip up at home using a similar method.


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