In 2014, an estimated 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States alone. Experts believe that of those diagnosed, more than half a million of those patients will die from the disease.
Cancer is the second highest cause of death in the United States and the United Kingdom.
The financial burden to patients, their families, and society at large is astronomical but that is nothing in comparison to the mental, emotional, and physical toll this deadly disease leaves on so many lives. Consumption of certain foods has been linked to the increased number of cancer diagnosis.
List of cancer-causing foods:
1. Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs):
This is not a new topic, but it is one that is really important to remember. The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified crops is infiltrating our food supply at an alarming rate. More than 90% of our corn, soy, cotton, and sugar beets are now genetically modified. In a study done by Dr. Pusztai at the Rowett Institute in Scotland, rats were fed GMOs and 100% of the rats showed damaged immune systems, pre-cancerous cell growths, along with smaller brains and livers, in just the first 10 days of the project. Studies in Argentina showed that cancer deaths double in GMO agribusiness areas.
The 2012 Seralini study in France proved that GMOs cause cancer and premature death. Most American consumers believe that the FDA has approved these GMO foods and this is simply not the case. The FDA has NO testing procedures for GMO foods, NONE.
Look for “NON-GMO Project Verified” label and don’t buy anything that is GMO.
2. Refined sugars and flour:
Cancer cells have a sweet tooth. This is a known fact that has been around for many years. The Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg, back in 1931, first discovered that cancer feeds on sugar. Refined sugars not only feed cancer cells, but they also spike insulin levels.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is particularly harmful, since cancer cells have been shown to quickly and easily metabolize HFCS in order to proliferate (spread).
The same goes for refined flour. Why? Mills are no longer content with waiting for their flour to whiten with time; mills now bleach flour with a chemical called chlorine gas. Not only that, but white processed flour has a very high glycemic rate which quickly raises the blood sugar level and insulin levels, which can be a direct cause of diabetes, not to mention feeding cancer cells. And since cookies, cakes, pies, sauces, cereals, and many other popular, mostly processed, food items are loaded with HFCS and other refined sugars and refined white flour, this helps explain why cancer rates are on the rise these days.
By avoiding sugar and refined grains such as white flour, you can avoid, or at the very least, starve cancer.
3. “Diet” Anything: Diet foods (frozen foods, prepackaged foods, diet sodas)
Diet foods (frozen foods, prepackaged foods, diet sodas) almost always contain aspartame. A recent scientific review issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of more than 20 separate research studies found that aspartame causes many diseases and sicknesses such as cancers, birth defects, and heart problems. There is mounting evidence that aspartame breaks down in the body into a deadly toxin called DKP. When your stomach processes this chemical, it in turn produces chemicals that can cause cancer, especially brain tumors.
The bottom line is that ALL “diet” food is chemically processed and made from super refined ingredients, excessive sodium levels, as well as artificial colors and flavors to make it taste good. But these additives are actually addicting. They feed that “feel good” part in your brain, similar to cocaine!
Eat nature’s own, natural “diet” food; fruits and vegetables! Organic and NON-GMO, of course!
4. Hydrogenated oils
Let’s start from the point that all hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils. Vegetable oils cannot be extracted naturally like butter is, vegetable oils must be chemically removed from their source, and then they are changed to be more acceptable to consumers. They are frequently deodorized and colored to look appealing. They are commonly used to preserve processed foods and keep them shelf-stable. But hydrogenated oils alter the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body, which can lead to a host of debilitating diseases such as cancer.
5. Processed meats
What exactly are processed meats? This is a long list that includes, but is not limited to, sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and most lunch meats. They contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing, but that can also cause cancer.
Both sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate have been linked to significantly increasing the risk of colon and other forms of cancer, so be sure to choose only uncured meat products made without nitrates, and preferably from grass-fed sources.
6. Microwave Popcorn
Conventional microwave popcorn bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This is a toxin you can find in Teflon also. According to a recent study at the University of California, PFOA is linked to infertility in women. Numerous studies in lab animals and humans show that exposure to PFOA significantly increases the risk of kidney, bladder, liver, pancreas and testicular cancers.
7. Grilled Meats & Farmed Fish
Yes… grilling meat tastes delicious. But scientists have discovered that grilling meat (especially processed meats like hot dogs) releases a carcinogen called heterocyclic aromatic amines.5 Be sure to be even more careful when grilling meat to the point of well done, as it changes the chemical and molecular structure of the meat itself. Commercial fish farming involves raising an incredible number of fish in a crowded environment. Salmon is a commonly raised farm fish, and 60% of the salmon consumed come from a farming operation where they are treated with antibiotics, pesticides, and other carcinogenic chemicals. These fish are fed unnatural diets and are contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides, and other known carcinogens. Also, due to their diet, they have less of the healthy omega-3 that we think we are getting when we consume fish. Studies have also shown that farmed salmon contain high levels of PCB’s, mercury, and cancer causing dioxins.
“The Quest for the Cures…Continues”, and it’s an 11-part docu-series (documentary mini-series) have been put together for the public after interviewing 28 top cancer doctors, 11 scientists, and 9 cancer survivors who have broken their “code of silence” and shared the TRUTH about cancer.
The best part is…your can watch it for FREE now (A new episode each night for 11 consecutive nights)
It is chock-full of valuable information like you just got here….and the videos contain information that is not available to the general public anywhere else.
Go here to get exclusive access to this ground breaking docu-series. For a limited time only, this video series will be shown totally free of charge…and you can watch it HERE.
The information that you will see in these videos is so powerful—that you may want to change a lot of things about your life after watching them.
At the very least, you will learn a lot of information that you will not get anywhere else—from the smartest people in the country currently fighting to beat cancer every single day.
You will find out what you and your family can do to maintain good health.
1. American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2014
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