home remedies for back pain


Dr. Brent Wells, D.C.

Regardless of your age, low back pain will affect approximately 80 percent of the adult population at one point or another in a person’s lifetime and a full 8 percent of adults will have chronic back pain, which limits their ability to everyday tasks.

With those sobering statistics staring you in the face, you are probably thinking of how you can not only keep your back happy but also what type of home remedies you can use to treat back pain. 

Folk remedies or home remedies for back pain have been around for centuries. While some of them have fallen out of favor over time (wearing red flannel PJs to bed for example) others have science-backed reasons why they can help relieve back pain fast. 

I see people with back pain every day in my career as a chiropractor, and the truth is that, in some instances, a simple back strain can be treated with everyday items right at home. 

Common Home Remedies for Fast Back Pain Relief 

Keep in mind that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another.


One of the easiest ways to help relieve back pain at home is to try one of the many over-the-counter lotions, creams, or rubbing tinctures. Some research has found that topical ointments may work just as well, or even better, than oral pain relievers. Some of the best natural lotions or creams include ones that contain: 

  • Arnica
  • Comfrey
  • Cayenne 
  • Tiger Balm
  • Menthol
  • Ginger
Relief Arnica Cream – Enriched with Lemongrass, Eucalyptus & Rosemary Essential Oils

While you might be tempted to just pop a few painkillers, even common medications, such as naproxen, can cause stomach bleeding, nausea, and heartburn.


massage for back pain relief

I can see your eyes widen at this one! Massage therapy, whether it is done at home with a loved one, at a regular massage spa, or in your chiropractor’s office can help stop back pain, and even encourage healing of minor back injuries, such as strained muscles. 

One study found that massage therapy reduced back pain and improved back function.  Using one of the ointments or lotions listed above as a massage tool can knock back pain right out of the ballpark. 

If you aren’t sure about where to find a qualified massage therapist, chances are that your chiropractor has one in his office, which makes sense when you consider that most chiropractors want the body loose and relaxed before doing an adjustment. 


Rather than consume those over-the-counter pain relievers that work as anti-inflammatories but wreak havoc on your digestive system, why not consider some of the many supplements that naturally contain anti-inflammatory compounds? Some of the best and most studied include: 

If you have a medical condition or if you are taking any type of prescription medication, you should speak to your doctor, pharmacist, or chiropractor before consuming any supplements, regardless of how natural or harmless they might seem to avoid a serious drug interaction. 


How To Start Making Yoga a Daily Habit: “You likely know that yoga can provide you with a variety of benefits, from helping you increase your flexibility to also reducing your stress and depression…”

I recommend stretching exercises, such as yoga, to every patient who enters my office with back pain. In some instances, those with desk jobs who suffer from low back pain need nothing more than to incorporate a few stretching exercises into their day to relieve most, if not all, of their back pain. 

One study found that yoga was every bit as effective as physical therapy when it came to reducing back pain. Start off slowly and modify any poses that cause your back pain to flare up. You can do these in classes with an instructor or use one of the many yoga programs on the internet. 


There is nothing like heat to help relax tight muscles and prevent muscle spasms. You can soak in a bathtub with Epsom salt, use a heating pad, or just use hot towels from the dryer. A light massage after a soak in the tub is a terrific way to beat muscle spasms and stop or reduce back pain.

 When all else fails and no amount of rest, stretching, or massage seems to make a difference, it’s time to see your chiropractor.

Chiropractic treatment to help get rid of back pain includes many different types of therapy, not just “back cracking.”  The modalities your chiropractor will use will depend on the type of injury you have.

heating pad for back pain
Jade Far Infrared Heating Pad for Back Pain and Cramps Relief

Try these home remedies for back pain for three to four weeks. If you haven’t found relief from back pain after that amount of time, it is time to seek professional help.


chiropractor Dr Wells

Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. founded Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab and has been a chiropractor for over 20 years. His Anchorage chiropractic practice has received great reviews and top ratings from thousands of patients who received long-lasting relief through chiropractic care, physical rehab therapy, and massage therapy.

He is a proud member of the American Chiropractic Association and the American Academy of Spine Physicians. He continues his education to remain active and updated in all studies related to neurology, physical rehab, biomechanics, spine conditions, brain injury trauma, and more.


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