Will the true colloidal silver please stand up? Read more to find out how to sniff out an imitation, ineffective silver product from the real stuff that works.
Being born with a silver spoon ain’t all bad! Did you know that silver was once the metal of choice for everything from forks and knives to the communion chalice in the ol’ church because of its disease-protective powers?
Indeed. Silver makes it darned near impossible for disease to fester and proliferate. Turns out, there’s more to adorning your table with precious metals than just impressing your friends—assuming, of course, it isn’t a knock-off but the real thing.
An Oldie But A Goodie
Silver as a healing and protective agent is nothing new. In fact, it has probably been applied to prevent and cure disease for thousands of years. Some historical records show its use in ancient Egypt and Greece. The Romans stored wine in silver containers to ward off spoilage and, in the Middle Ages, the wealthy ate with silver utensils to help prevent plague.
In the late 19th and early 20th century, Colloidal Silver was widely used by physicians in the West. Some Americans may have memories of their grandparents placing silver dollars in their milk jugs to keep the milk fresher, longer. Before pharmaceutical antibiotics became king, colloidal silver was a major go-to for treating infection.
How It Works
Studies show that True Colloidal Silver kills disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and microbes in three ways:
* It disables the enzyme needed for the invaders to properly metabolize oxygen and, thereby, causes them to die by oxidation;
* It attaches to the invaders, “impairing cell respiration and blocking its energy transfer system;”
* It binds to the bad guys’ DNA to prevent DNA strands from unwinding and replicating the toxic cells. (ref)
It sounds sort of like a biological choke-hold, and according to lab studies, it basically is—the Silver suffocates pathogens till they expire, or effectively renders them impotent until they die.
Health Benefits of True Colloidal Silver (TCS)
You may already be well-versed in the seemingly endless benefits of silver for health. A simple Google search will bring up hundreds and probably thousands of articles, studies, and testimonials. In short, TCS can be used internally, topically, and even by inhalation. Here is a quick list of applications and benefits—but keep in mind that it will only be effective if your TCS is “true,” which we will cover in the next section:
Speeds the healing process and assists in regenerating healthy tissues even in cases of:
1. Burns
2. Scraps, cuts, open wounds
3. Injuries, particularly in the elderly
4. Psoriasis
5. Eczema
A now-famous study conducted by Larry C. Ford at UCLA School of Medicine successfully demonstrated TCS’s ability to destroy “over 650 bacteria, fungi, parasites, molds and fungi that have the potential to sprout diseases. At the same time, the tests established that colloidal silver has no known side effects.”
Use TCS to effectively combat:
→ “Superbugs” unresponsive to conventional antibiotics, including MRSA (staph)
→ Bronchitis
→ Common cold
→ Flu (multiple types, possibly even bird flu)
→ Sinusitis
→ Ear infection
→ Pink eye (can apply topically according to guidelines)
→ Pneumonia
→ Candida
→ Any bacterial, fungal, viral, or microbial attack
Many swear by the ability of TCS to suppress even HIV and AIDS. As one of the earth’s most effective antiviral substances, it has also been shown effective against:
1. Herpes
2. Warts
3. Shingles
4. Hepatitis C
While many have testified to the power of TCS to fight cancer, exciting research may be in hand to verify it. Two recent studies demonstrated that TCS was able to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors without side effects or toxicity, and with white blood cell and platelet counts actually returning to normal. (1, 2)
Don’t Be Scammed
Not all “colloidal silver” is made equal. Today, there are three types of silver you may find on the market and, though all may be named the same and marketed as the real McCoy, experts say that only one of them qualifies. The three forms are:
* Silver Protein
* Silver Ions
* Silver Particles
Can you guess which one is beneficial? It’s the particles, i.e. silver atoms usually clustered into tiny “nano-meter” sized particles which have not dissolved in the water (that would make them ionic). The first two make up the majority of products in today’s market.
“Silver Protein” contains protein additives, often gelatin, and is considered unhealthy, even dangerous.
“Silver Ions” are the most prevalent. Not only do experts agree that silver ions fail to deliver on promises, but both silver ions and proteins are also associated with toxicity and a condition called argyria, an irreversible bluish or gray staining of the skin and eyes.
So, unless you want to look like Papa Smurf, you’ll want to know how to avoid these.
True Colloidal Silver
According to multiple sources, including scientist and expert Francis Key’s paper published on silver-colloids.com, this is the established definition of “true colloidal silver”:
“The term true colloidal silver was coined by the Colloidal Science Laboratory (CSL) during the 1990’s to describe a silver colloid whose silver content consisted mostly of silver nanoparticles vs. silver ions. To qualify as true colloidal silver the concentration of silver in the form of nanoparticles must be a majority of the total silver content (more than 50%)… By comparison, ionic silver products typically contain 1 to 10 percent nanoparticles, far less than true colloidal silver.”
When you’re shopping for colloidal silver, dig a little deeper than the ads and marketing on the product label. The FDA doesn’t regulate the term “true colloidal silver” (TCS) and, sadly, it’s been hijacked by money mongers just as much as “pure,” “all-natural,” and “therapeutic grade.”
You can be sure a product is not TCS if it’s:
1. Clear like water—that would make it ionic;
2. Made by electrolysis, AC, DC or High Voltage AC, or an ‘electro-colloidal process’ — these are all some form of electrolysis which produces silver ions
3. Described as “mild silver protein” or “silver protein”
4. Described as “monatomic colloidal silver,” “silver hydrosol,” or “covalent silver,” which are all, in the end, ionic silver
If you’ve tried silver in the past and it hasn’t worked, see if you were using True Colloidal Silver and not one of the other two. Try colloidal silver by the Purest Colloids’ Mesosilver Their website is full of information and they go out of their way to educate the consumer.
For more information on safe TCS usage and basic dose guidelines, check out the Silver Safety
Council homepage, http://www.silversafety.org/.
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