how to balance your third eye chakra


Seemingly shrouded in mystery, many people have heard of this mysterious energy point but aren’t quite sure what it actually is or how it works. Understanding the purpose and power of your third eye chakra can help unlock untapped spiritual growth, improve mental clarity, more access creativity – even elevate overall mood.

The third eye chakra is the sixth of seven primary energy centers located within the body and is known in Sanskrit as Ajna. Located on the forehead between your eyes, it’s connected to spiritual insight and understanding.


When the third eye chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as a wide range of symptoms. Physically, headaches and eyestrain are common signs that something isn’t quite right. Emotionally, confusion and difficulty concentrating or making decisions are associated with an imbalance in this area. Mentally, you may experience fear around the unknown and uncertainty.




Helichrysum essential oil is particularly helpful when it comes to unlocking your third eye chakra. It has a sweet, earthy aroma that evokes feelings of strength and clarity, helping you focus on the spiritual insight available to you. Applying Helichrysum directly to the forehead or diffusing it throughout your home can help restore balance, allowing you to tap into the power of your third eye chakra.

With regular practice, unlocking and balancing your third eye chakra can help open up a wealth of spiritual insight, mental clarity, and emotional balance that will benefit you in all areas of life. With Helichrysum oil as your guide, let the power of the third eye chakra help you reach new heights.


Rosemary essential oil is known to be a powerful agent in balancing the third eye chakra. It’s said to help stimulate intuition and mental clarity, as well as instill a sense of trust and confidence in yourself. To use rosemary essential oil in your practice, simply add 2-3 drops into an aromatherapy diffuser, or add a few drops to a warm bath. You can also apply the oil topically to the forehead, temples, and back of the neck for an extra boost in mental clarity.

essential oils


Frankincense essential oil is a great way to help bring balance back to this vital energy source. This oil has been used for thousands of years in spiritual practice and its calming aroma can reduce feelings of fear and anxiety, helping restore equilibrium in the third eye area. Simply apply one or two drops of Frankincense essential oil topically over your third eye chakra. Doing this on a daily basis can help bring balance back to your energy system and access greater spiritual insight. You may also want to consider performing a third eye meditation while using Frankincense essential oil for a more powerful experience.

how to balance your third eye chakra


The use of vetiver aromatically can help open up pathways of understanding and promote deeper spiritual awareness. Its grounding effect encourages deep meditation and helps calm the mind and spirit, leading to greater mental clarity. Vetiver is also a wonderful way to help reduce anxiety and depression related to an imbalance in this area. Furthermore, its sedative effects can be useful for those who struggle with insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Overall, vetiver can help stimulate the third eye chakra, promoting conscious awareness and insight into the self.


The deep, earthy scent of patchouli lends itself to meditative states and can create a deep sense of relaxation. By stimulating your senses and calming the mind, patchouli oil promotes true mental clarity and helps open up your intuition.

crystals that help balance third eye chakra



Amethyst, a type of quartz crystal, is known to be particularly beneficial for balancing and aligning the third eye chakra. It’s said that upon touch it resonates with the energy center associated with intuition and insight. Amethyst is also believed to reduce stress and anxiety while also providing an extra layer of protection against negative energies.


Moldavite is a rare and powerful crystal that has been used since ancient times to stimulate the third eye chakra and increase its powers of perception. Wearing or carrying this stone close to your body can help to open the chakra and promote a better spiritual connection.


Purple Fluorite helps to create a calm, open-minded mental state that encourages intuition and accesses spiritual guidance. When used in meditation, Purple Fluorite often brings forth answers to questions you’ve been struggling with as well as creative solutions to problems. It can also amplify the effects of other crystals and energy work, making it a great crystal for spiritual healing. Purple Fluorite helps you to access higher levels of intuition and balances your emotions so that you are better able to ground yourself in the present moment.

how to balance your chakras



Blueberries are rich in anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation. Eating blueberries can help keep your energy levels balanced and promote mental clarity – both of which may be beneficial to bringing the third eye chakra into balance. Additionally, blueberries are loaded with Vitamin C, another potent antioxidant that supports overall third-eye chakra health.


Eating blackberries regularly is thought to be especially beneficial for those who experience confusion or difficulty concentrating due to an imbalance in their third eye chakra. Additionally, blackberries can help open up your intuition and spiritual connection, allowing you to more readily access higher wisdom and insight from your subconscious mind. By incorporating this superfood into your daily diet, you may find yourself feeling a sense of greater clarity and peace.


Eating eggplant will increase your intake of antioxidants, which can help protect your eyes from environmental toxins and boost brain health. Additionally, certain compounds in eggplant are thought to improve focus and concentration — two essential components for maintaining a balanced third eye chakra.


The antioxidants in dark chocolate help to protect the brain cells from free radicals and damage, boosting blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain. It also releases feel-good hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins which can help uplift moods and relieve stress. Plus, chocolate is said to be a powerful tool for enhancing intuition and inner knowing. Eating dark chocolate can help promote clarity of thought and enhance your spiritual awareness by increasing the activity of this chakra. Enjoy some delicious dark chocolate as part of your regular self-care practice to bring balance and harmony to your third eye.


Eating purple potatoes helps promote cortisol production which is essential for calming the nervous system and leading to relaxation. The mineral content in purple potatoes helps improve cognitive function and access mental clarity, both necessary components of having a balanced third eye chakra. Additionally, the vitamin A in purple potatoes helps to strengthen your vision and create a clearer focus. Lastly, the chromium content of purple potatoes helps regulate blood sugar levels which can lead to greater mental clarity and improved decision-making.




Gotu Kola is known as an “adaptogen,” meaning it helps your body adapt and cope with stressors in a way that doesn’t disrupt the overall balance. Gotu Kola also helps support cognitive function and mental clarity, which are both incredibly important for working with the third eye chakra.

herbs for balancing third eye chakra


Skullcap, a member of the mint family and native to North America, is thought to help promote balance in the third eye chakra. It can be consumed in tea form or as an extract and has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant. Skullcap contains many compounds that are known to have calming and relaxing effects which are thought to help balance your third eye chakra.


Nettles contain astringent properties that encourage grounding and balance in the body. Nettle tea is a traditional herbal remedy known to help clear mental fog and boost the clarity of thought, making it an effective tool for bringing this energy center back into balance. Try adding a few leaves of nettle to your next cup of tea for an extra dose of spiritual grounding.


Ginger can help balance your third eye chakra by helping to open and clear the energy pathways, allowing for a more balanced flow of energy. This can lead to improved clarity of thought, greater mental acuity, and increased creativity. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory effects that can help alleviate physical symptoms such as headaches or eyestrain associated with an imbalanced third eye chakra.


One of the best ways to bring balance and harmony back to your third eye chakra is through the use of passionflower. It has calming and soothing properties that can help ease physical symptoms such as headaches, eyestrain, and insomnia associated with an imbalance in this area. Passionflower can also help to reduce mental and emotional stress, allowing you to relax and better connect with your spiritual side. Additionally, it helps to increase awareness of the inner self, improving both physical and mental clarity.


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