morning exercises


By Kevin Jones


Physical activity is among one of the most important aspects of our lives and yet so widely taken for granted. Studies have shown that exercise can have a significant impact on mental health. It helps keep hormones and chemicals in check that may help or hinder weight loss. It is a must-have for our day to day life if our goal is to remain happy and healthy.

Early morning is the best time for many of us to slip in a workout. Not only is it easier to find that extra time in the day if we wake up a bit earlier, but it gets that day started right. Here are six exercises that are perfect for mornings and will get the blood flowing the second we pop out of bed.



Yoga is a powerful exercise. Practiced for thousands of years, it is good for physical and mental activity. Poses can relieve anxiety and stress, strengthen the body and help center the mind. Even ten minutes every morning can have some benefits and it can be done right in your bedroom, no expensive classes required.



A little bit harder, you might have to work a trip to a gym into your schedule or pick up some plates and a bar to have around the house. Harvard University has found that lifting weights, on top of building muscle strength, also helps with bone strength. Osteoporosis is a growing concern for people as they age, so lifting weights is the perfect preventative measure.



Running has been suggested as the perfect cardio workout for decades. For those who have healthy joints, it is a great way to push yourself and burn calories, while working the heart. So load up a playlist, get your favorite podcast downloaded or even try an app like Zombies, Run!



The easiest of all workouts, walking is incredible. It is good for the heart, works most of the body, can be done almost anywhere and is adaptable to help you reach your personal goals. Though the arbitrary number of 10,000 steps has never been proven, it is a fantastic place to aim to improve your health.



Have access to a swimming pool? Then you can start your day with a refreshing swim, a workout that is excellent for getting the heart pumping while being easy on the joints. Try alternating between water aerobics and lap swimming for some variation.



You don’t need fancy equipment to get a good workout in. You can do bodyweight exercises that use nothing but yourself to accomplish. Jumping jacks, burpees and planking are all examples of efficient moves you can add into your morning routine. Try a workout app like 7 Minute Workout Challenge.





Kevin Jones is a health and fitness blogger and a regular contributor to a number of fitness websites. He writes for NordicTrack. During his free time, he likes to be very active and spend time with his wife and two children shredding the slopes of Park City, Utah or chasing down the Salt Lake City Korean food trucks. Connect with him online; LinkedInTwitter

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