heart's intelligence


There’s a scene in the inspirational movie I Am in which famed comedic director Tom Shadyac shows up at the HeartMath Institute in a quest to understand the larger meaning of life after experiencing a traumatic brain injury. He agrees to participate in an experiment that measures the interconnectivity of all beings. His job is simply to sit in the same room with a petri dish full of yogurt. The yogurt is hooked up to electrodes running to a bio-response meter – but these electrodes are not hooked up to him at all.

Suddenly, Tom makes a joke about how he should call his lawyer and the entire room erupts in laughter. Here’s why: it seems the yogurt has “picked up” on the stress of this imagined phone call. The bio-meter has suddenly jumped sky high. This happens over and over again with different scenarios.

heart's intelligence

How can an entirely different species possibly know what a man is feeling from across the room, with no common language or physical contact to unite them?

what you should know about your heart's intelligence


What Tom experienced that day was what researchers in labs around the world had already discovered: everyone and everything sends out an energetic signal. In people, this signal originates with our heartbeat, which emits an electromagnetic field that surrounds us. And here’s the really fascinating part: this energetic field has been scientifically demonstrated to be an intuitive center of our bodies.

The HeartMath Institute pioneered this research in the early 1990s after wondering why people experience feelings of love and heartache centered around the physical heart area. Was there something unique about this specific region that would allow our emotions to cause such strong physical sensations? Here is what has been discovered from their 27 years of work in the field.

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Heart-Mind-Body Communication

We all know that we see with our eyes, but as it turns out we weren’t seeing the whole picture. In actuality, it is our heart that registers an image some 3 to 5 seconds before it even appears before our eyes. Evidence suggests that this image is then sent to our brain so that by the time we see the picture with our eyes our body is already reacting appropriately.

How is this accomplished? Our heart has a measurable energetic resonance that is connected to a larger field of energetic resonances. The energetic resonance of our heart is made up of two parts: an electrical signal that is up to
60 times greater than that of our brain, and a magnetic signal that is up to 5,000 times greater. So if an image flashes of a scary picture, for example, it is typically our heart that informs our brain split seconds before our eyes see it. Our brain then signals our body, causing our stomach to drop.

discover heart's intelligence

How is our heart’s energetic resonance connected to the greater field of energetic resonances?

It is believed that the interconnectivity of energetic resonances happens through the same process as Quantum Entanglement: when two electrons have been in contact with each other at any point, their spins change simultaneously no matter the distance they have traveled from each other. This is known as non-locality. Using the example above, if you’ve ever seen a scary image before, your heart’s resonance is now in quantum entanglement with the energetic resonance of scary images, and can, therefore, recognize their energetic signature. In essence, non-locality flies in the face of the old belief that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Heart-centered connectivity appears to operate at this quantum level of science.

Heart Care as Healthcare

Because our heart is such a powerful center of interconnectivity, reconnecting with its intelligence has been shown to have many positive effects on our overall wellness. Just like with the images in the study, our emotions are first reflected in our hearts. This happens through changes in rhythm and rate variability. Positive emotions have been shown to create a type of harmonizing domino effect that spreads out from our heart through our entire body via our main systems to bring us back into a state of balance, known as homeostasis. This heart coherence can actually be measured using emWave® devices.

Here are some health-boosting outcomes of a regulated, harmonious emotional state inherent in heart coherence that researchers have documented:

♥  Reduced Stress
♥  Greater Cognitive Functioning
♥  Greater Social Cohesion
♥  Better Regulation of Types 1 and 2 Diabetes
♥  Decreased Risk of Heart Attack
♥  Increased Intuition
♥  More Expanded World-View
♥  Increased Energy Levels
♥  Reduced Blood Pressure
♥  Increased Happiness

The great news is that conscious coherence has also been shown to have positive effects on the health of the outside world. Research conducted at the Global Consciousness Project indicates that those who come together in coherence to set an intention can cause a real uplifting peaceful change in our world.  Through meditation, positive affirmations, and paying attention to our intuitive nudges we have the ability to uplift our emotions, heal past wounds, and positively influence those around us using heart-centered living.

If you’d like more information on how heart coherence can boost your health and wellness, download HeartMath’s free groundbreaking e-book Science of the Heart today!




By Yvonne Chamberlain A way of thinking, a belief structure, mental programming, perspective, an attitude, an imagination, fixed belief, an ideology,…

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