Since 2007, investigative journalist and bestselling author Lynne McTaggart has teamed up with world-renowned scientists, top meditators, award-winning psychologists – and the world-wide-web – to answer a simple yet profound question: Can people’s positive intentions really alter the earth’s physical matter and influence outcomes around the globe?
Here’s what she has discovered over the last decade as the innovative leader of The Intention Experiments.
Crystalline Thoughts Can Keep Our Water Clean
The idea for the Intention Experiments came from Lynne’s own personal battle to heal herself. As an investigative journalist, she discovered many studies on the power of spirituality to shift people back to wellness. Her research eventually led her to Dr. Roger Nelson’s groundbreaking work at The Global Consciousness Project. His specialized computer program monitors 50 sites around the globe to gather data on how people’s united thoughts might be affecting global outcomes. He made the intriguing discovery from the data collected that structured patterns appear in what should be random number sets when people’s emotional states are highly synchronized by major world events, such as the millennium celebrations.
Lynne and Roger’s common curiosity surrounding group prayer and emotional states led them to join forces, and the first Intention Experiments were born. These centered around how people’s synchronized thoughts and emotions could alter nature. An interesting pattern emerged indicating that uplifting, positive group intentions can actually create a healthier physical environment.
The most compelling of these studies involved the altering of water quality through group meditation. The event participants focused on sending vials of water love and light, with instructions to help it ‘grow and glow’. The idea was to register any changes in photonic light emissions from water, as well as record any alterations in how water molecules were structured. Lynne brought in leading physicists and water experts to accurately set up the studies and record the research findings.
Here’s what was discovered about the power of group coherence:
– Sending the intention of love and ‘glow’ increases the intensity and area of water’s photonic light emissions. These emissions are what helps water molecules retain important information that ensures they bond properly for optimal vitality.
– Sending specific intentions with experienced meditators is more powerful than sending generalized intentions with first-time group meditators.
Perhaps the most promising physical findings came from a live group experiment whose aim was to help clean up the polluted waters of Lake Biwa in Kyoto, Japan. Since clean water forms its structure of H2O molecules in a very different way than polluted water, an intention was set to change the structure of water molecules to mimic the pure formations of a mountain stream. The scientific lab measuring the results said they showed “significant effects” on the water that indicate a permanent positive change in how the molecules were structured.
Peace Is Activated Through Positivity
While the water experiments turned in some fascinating findings, Lynne and Roger’s next set of unity tests garnered even more powerful and inspiring results. They chose to pick up where previous transcendental meditation crime reduction studies had left off. In September 2008 they began an online peace experiment to help heal the devastating conditions in war-torn Sri Lanka. People from 6 of the 7 continents participated in this groundbreaking 8-day event which focused on sending tranquility to a particularly violent part of the country.
Immediately following the experiment, mortality rates dropped by nearly 75%, and within 3 months the targeted district had been liberated. The country’s 25-year civil war ended in May 2009. These results were so positive that the team decided to try to replicate them.
Their next experiments helped to solidify the amazing power of people’s peaceful intentions:
– To mark the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, meditators from several Middle Eastern countries were asked to join those from Western regions to send healing to the troops and civilians in 2 war-torn provinces of Afghanistan. Participants from around the globe, including every Arab country on Earth, united in peaceful intention and heartfelt apology. Civilian casualties dropped 37% in the following 3 months in these districts, and Taliban-initiated attacks (which had been climbing significantly) also fell drastically, creating the “longest sustained downward trend” in the conflict to date.
– In 2012, intention setters again gathered online from across the globe to participate in a ‘Heal America’ experiment aimed at reducing violence in Washington D.C., this time using a livestream. Immediately following the 2 events, violent crime in the Capitol Hill District dropped by 33%.
– The second ‘Healing America‘ Peace Intention experiment took place over 6 days in September and October 2017, with focused intention on reducing violent crime in one particularly crime-ridden St. Louis, MO neighborhood. An immediate reversal in the previously rising violence took place, and this type of crime dropped by 43% in the 6-month follow-up period.
Nelson’s computer data also showed readings that indicated greater emotional coherence during these peace intentions. Just as promising as the results for the targeted areas was the fact that participants also reported significant improvements in their personal relationships after the experiments. Over a third felt greater love for everyone, and 40% reported deeper connections with strangers.
Heart-Centered Unity Helps Humans to Heal
Just a few years prior to the latest peace experiment, Lynne again chartered new territory that brought her full circle to where she had begun her intentions journey. Her first Healing Intention focused on reducing anxiety in a person who had experienced PTSD. For this intention, the volunteer and one other therapy patient who acted as the ‘control’ subject were both willing participants, but they did not know exactly when the experiment would begin and end.
The focus of the group intention this time was to send waves of calming energy the person’s way. What happened next was no less than extraordinary. As the group’s healing thoughts were being sent out, the patient’s signature PTSD brain patterns shifted to that of a person with normal brain patterning. He also showed a 3-level increase in his amount of alpha brain wave patterns, which are the ones most associated with a calm and meditative state. In addition, these waves began working together much more effectively.
This scientific experiment shows the vast potential that human beings have to positively shape each other’s health and well-being using our own cooperative, heart-centered intentions. All these innovative and inspiring collective actions provide a blueprint for moving the world forward into one that is healthier, happier, and filled with a greater degree of peace and harmony.
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