health benefits of hemp seeds


With their unique balance of nutrients, including vitamins, enzymes, protein, and healthy fats, hemp seeds place as one of the most nutritious seeds on earth. These powerful seeds are procured from the species Cannabis Sativa, which has a vibrant history and has been cultivated throughout the ages for its healing powers. In China, they have been regarded as a medicinal food for over 3,000 years.

Unlike different whole-plant varieties of Cannabis Sativa, hemp seeds contain just a minuscule amount of THC. So, do not worry, hemp seeds will not have any drug-induced effect. By consuming them on a routine basis, you can expect to replenish your body with the following nutrients:

•  Essential fats including Omega 3 and Omega 6 (hemp seeds are comprised of over 30% fat, with the levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 occurring within the correct ratios for optimal health and wellness)

•  Protein (in greater amounts than both chia and flax seeds)

•  Antioxidants

•  Fiber

•  Minerals including zinc, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur

•  Vitamins B1, B2, B6, D, and E

•  Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)

The benefits associated with a regular dietary intake of hemp seeds are far-reaching. Let’s take a look at some of the marvelous benefits that recent scientific research has revealed regarding hemp seeds.

Hormonal balance – Protection Against the Effects of PMS and Menopause

Consuming hemp seeds regularly can help balance hormones and lessen the adverse effects of Premenstrual Syndrome and Menopause. The Gamma Linolenic Acid found in hemp seeds has been shown to help regulate the body’s production of prolactin, a hormone that is chiefly to blame for PMS and Menopause symptoms. Gamma-linolenic acid consumption reduces levels of fluid retention, decreases breast tenderness, and protects against depression and irritability. Talk about making life easier for women everywhere!

Skin Health

Because they are rich in polyunsaturated fats and essential fatty acids, hemp seeds often have a profound effect on skin health. Skin conditions such as eczema often occur in conjunction with an immune response in the body that can benefit from achieving the correct balance of healthy dietary fats. Supplementing eczema patients with hemp seed oil has been shown to reduce inflammation and relieve dry skin – a profoundly welcome outcome for those who have this often frustrating condition.


Protection Against Cardiovascular Disease

Unfortunately, heart disease is at epidemic proportions in the Western world, and a larger emphasis needs to be given to preventative care – especially nutrition. Two specific nutrients found in hemp seeds have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease – gamma-linolenic acid and the amino acid arginine. Both of these powerful agents act in their own way to lower inflammation.  Arginine decreases the levels of a particular inflammatory marker correlated with heart disease – C-Reactive Protein. Research has also revealed that the consumption of hemp seeds or hemp seed oil can result in a reduction in blood pressure and can aid in recovery after a heart attack.

Digestive Health

Good health starts in the gut. As time goes on, more and more seemingly unrelated health issues are being linked to the health of the gut. So, now more than ever, it is of utmost importance to keep the digestive system healthy and performing correctly. Whole Hemp seeds (not the de-shelled variety) are a potent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber offers nutrients for the friendly bacteria in the gut while insoluble fiber is essential for helping waste pass through the digestive system efficiently. Adequate fiber intake has been correlated with a reduced risk of diabetes, regulation of blood sugar levels, and steady cholesterol levels.



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