skincare routine for summer


Summer is the perfect time to show your skin some natural love in the fresh breezes and warm sunshine. Knowing how skin changes to meet the season can help you give it an extra boost of TLC during the warmer weather.

Let’s take a look at five savvy strategies for summer to help you keep your skin healthy and glowing all season long.

Products that work hard for you and are so pure they work with all skin types. They’re amazingly clean, organic, and wild-crafted formulas that nourish your skin and are chock full of healthy, activated ingredients. 

Exfoliate Every Week

As the temperature rises, so does the secretion of a substance that helps stop the skin from drying out too much. It’s called sebum (1) and it’s produced by sebaceous glands (2) in your skin. While sebum does your skin a great service during the summer months, too much of a good thing can clog (3) your pores, leading to issues like inflammation, acne, hyperpigmentation (dark spots on the skin), and scarring.

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells and excess oil (sebum) from your pores. For gentle yet effective exfoliation care, look for products that contain glycolic or salicylic acid.

It’s best to begin using just one of these ingredients no more than twice a week to ensure they work well for your skin. Since glycolic and salicylic acid may increase a person’s sensitivity to the sun, it’s also important to use them in combo with the next summer skincare tip on our list —  sun protection.

Salute the Sun — with Sunscreen

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays do wonderful things for the body. For example, they (4) elevate Vitamin D supply, enhance mood, help people sleep better, and improve immune system responses to help fight disease. However, too much exposure to the sun’s UVA and UVB rays may cause sunburn or sun damage (5), which can accelerate the aging process and reduce the skin’s ability to perform its many amazing functions.

Skin type plays a role in how much daily sun exposure is healthy (and it can vary from 5-60 minutes or more) (6). Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen (7) with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher is key to striking the right balance between soaking up the sun and being savvy about your skin’s health. This is because only broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB light, while an SPF of 15 or higher has been scientifically shown to reduce the sun’s aging effects.

If you do find yourself with a sunburn, try applying aloe vera gel (8) — this cactus plant contains compounds that have both cooling and moisturizing effects to ease pain and discomfort.

Hydrate + Moisturize + Replenish

Speaking of moisture, did you know that hydration replenishes water while moisturization replenishes oil? (9) Both are important for your skin during the summer because people sweat more in the heat, causing water loss, and the sun tends to dry out skin oils.

Luckily, some amazing natural ingredients help hydrate and moisturize the skin all at once. They’re called humectants and they include honey, glycerin, sorbitol, and hyaluronic acid. These powerhouses work by drawing water from the air and deep skin layers and by forming a barrier (10) to prevent moisture release for more vibrant summer skin.

Add in Antioxidants

Free radicals (11) are unstable molecules that can develop in a number of ways, including when UV light interacts with the skin. Because they’re missing an electron, free radicals may take one from the skin, which can cause cellular damage.

The antioxidants found in ingredients (12) such as green tea, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E counteract free radical damage by supplying them with their needed electron so they don’t have to ‘steal’ it from your skin. That’s why antioxidant-rich skin moisturizers, serums, and sunscreens can help reduce your risk of developing skin issues like wrinkles and sunspots.

Balance Your pH

In summer, outdoor activities have been shown to lower your skin’s pH level (1), which stands for potential hydrogen (13). It measures how acidic or alkaline your skin is on a scale of 0-14. A skin pH of around 5.5 is normal. If it dips below this, dry, flaky skin, increased sensitivity to the environment, and outbreaks of acne can occur.

A pH-balanced cleanser that actually nourishes and moisturizes your skin ==>>

Keeping your skin pH balanced means ensuring that its healthy bacteria grow and thrive. A pH-balanced cleanser is a gentle way to restore your skin’s pH. The bonus? Just like exfoliation products, Ph-balanced cleansers (14) may help remove dead skin and extra oil from the skin to keep your pores clear.

Sensational summer skin is a breeze when you bring together the right mix of outdoor fun and nourishing skincare!
















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